The Benefits of Doing Cardio Before or After Strength Training
Have you ever wondered what the benefits are of doing a strength training workout before conducting a cardio vascular exercise? Strength training is an important component of any exercise regimen and has a variety of benefits if done prior to your cardio session. It can help increase muscular strength and endurance, reduce pain from muscle soreness, and improve joint health. Additionally, it can enhance coordination, balance, agility, and overall physical fitness. When done before cardio workouts, strength training can improve the intensity and duration of your workout session resulting in greater calorie burning throughout the duration of your routine.
So which type of cardio should you do before or after your strength training to get the best results? Running is great for increasing endurance and calorie burning while cycling works to strengthen lower body muscles and improve overall fitness. Swimming can help build muscular strength and endurance as well as providing a low impact full body workout. HIIT (high-intensity interval training) is ideal for efficiently burning calories due to its fast-paced nature. Finally walking will slowly raise heart rate resulting in increased fat burning.
Pick whichever type of cardio you prefer to pair with your strength training; each exercise has different advantages that guarantee good results when combined together with some form of strength workout. Make sure when going into any kind of exercise that you have warmed up properly by stretching out all parts of the body that will be used in order to avoid any kind of injury or distress during your session!