Strength Training and Mental Health: How Exercise Can Improve Your Mindset

When it comes to physical health, few activities have as many benefits as strength training. From increased calorie burn to improved muscle tone, strength training can help you reach your health goals. But what about mental health? Exercise has long been known to be beneficial for the mind and body, but research is showing that strength training in particular has a positive effect on mental health.

Strength training is any form of physical activity that builds muscular strength and endurance. Activities such as weightlifting, bodyweight exercises, resistance bands, kettlebells and more all qualify as strength training. Research shows that participating in strength exercises can lead to an increase in both mood and overall wellbeing.

One way that exercise contributes to improved mental health is through the release of hormones in the brain. During a workout, endorphins (happy hormones) are released which make us feel energized and relaxed. In addition, studies have shown that after a workout people experience lower levels of cortisol (the “stress hormone”). This helps reduce stress levels while increasing positive thoughts and emotions like happiness, relaxation and joy.

Another way strength training can improve mental health is by improving cognitive functioning. A recent study suggests that aerobic exercise provides neuroprotective effects which can help protect against conditions such as anxiety or depression. Additionally, studies suggest that regular exercise may even improve memory function and help us retain new information more easily.

In addition to these cognitive benefits, other research indicates that engaging in regular exercise can help relieve symptoms of depression or anxiety disorder by providing physical outlets for “mental anguish”. Exercise allows our bodies to release pent up energy while simultaneously providing an outlet for negative thoughts or feelings. Furthermore, exercise encourages social interaction which has also been linked with improved psychological states due to its ability to provide distraction from everyday worries or stresses.


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